Terms and Conditions
Subscription Terms and Conditions for NeuroSCE
This legally binding agreement (“Agreement”) is made between NeuroSCE (neurosce.com) and the individual (“you”) identified in the order confirmation on the neurosce.com website (“Website”). This Agreement includes the terms and conditions set out below, together with any disclaimers, guidelines or other terms that may be sent to you by NeuroSCE ("Us") or agreed to by you, posted on the relevant web page(s) of the Website.
1. Introduction
1.1 These are the terms and conditions on which NeuroSCE agrees to provide you with online access to the NeuroSCE product(s) to which you have subscribed (“NeuroSCE Materials”). By subscribing to and accessing NeuroSCE Materials, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions you should not subscribe to receive NeuroSCE Materials.
1.2 When subscribing to our product(s) you must provide us with accurate and complete information (including payment details, contact and other information) and it is your responsibility to update and maintain changes to that information through your user account. We are entitled to rely on any information you provide to Us.
1.3 Where these terms and conditions have been translated into a language which is not English, this has been done for your convenience only to aid your interpretation of the Agreement. The English language version of these terms and conditions shall prevail in the event of any conflict between the English language version and a version in any other language.
2. Your Subscription
2.1A Contract with NeuroSCE.
By submitting your payment and online order you are making an offer to NeuroSCE to buy a subscription to the relevant NeuroSCE Materials. Your offer will be accepted by Us and a contract formed only when we have verified your payment details at which point we will confirm your subscription (by sending you a confirmation email) and provide you with access to the relevant NeuroSCE Materials for the subscription period set out in your order. If we are unable to accept your order, we will inform you of this and will not charge you for the subscription. By placing your order, you are requesting and agreeing that we may start your subscription and provide you with access to the relevant NeuroSCE Materials as soon as possible following our acceptance of your order. We may, at our discretion, allow access to NeuroSCE Materials prior to confirming your subscription but this does not confirm acceptance of your offer.
2.1B Group subscription
Group subscription gives you a discount if you want to access our NeuroSCE paid resources as a group. The 'Group' should consist of candidates working in the same hospital or trust based in the UK. One member buys the subscription using their Trust email only ('Buyer'). The Buyer should then provide the Trust emails of the other members for access to be granted, by emailing us at support@neurosce.com. Each member of the Group then creates an account with their Trust email and notifies us at support@neurosce.com using their Trust email so that we can verify your emails. Access will then be granted. Please note that access will be refused if any other email domain is used or if you do not work in the same trust/hospital as the Buyer. The membership gives you unlimited access to all the resources on the website and two attempts per user at the timed mock exam.
Please note that the subscription starts on the day of purchase for all the members of the Group.
2.2 Payment details.
You must provide Us with complete and accurate payment information and details including your geographical location. By doing this, you are confirming that you are entitled to purchase the subscription and that you are not subject to any trade sanction. If at any time we do not receive payment or your payment authorisation subsequently expires or is cancelled, we may immediately cancel your access to NeuroSCE Materials in accordance with section 2.7B below.
2.3 Price.
The price you pay for your subscription (and the currency in which you pay) will be stated on the relevant web page of the Website from which you began the subscription ordering process. Such price will be re-confirmed to you as part of the ordering process. It is your responsibility to pay any charges that might be applied by your bank or payment provider in paying for your subscription, including in relation to any currency conversion required. Subject to these terms and conditions, in return for Us making the relevant NeuroSCE Materials available to you, you agree to make the payments notified to you at the time of your purchase.
2.4 Incorrectly stated prices.
While we try to ensure that all prices we display and quote are correct and accurate, errors may occur and, if they do, we will notify you of the mistake. If we incorrectly state a price, we are not obliged to provide you with a subscription at that price. If we do notify you of such a mistake, even after having accepted your offer to buy the subscription at the incorrect price, you may either pay the correct price or you can cancel the subscription (see section 2.7A below) in which case we will then refund any money you have paid Us that relates to the unexpired portion of your subscription. If you do neither of these, we shall be entitled to cancel or suspend your subscription.
2.5 Taxes and Customs.
Unless otherwise indicated, the prices we state for our subscriptions are inclusive of VAT (or other similar sales tax).
2.6 Renewals.
Your subscription will NOT automatically renew at the end of each subscription period unless we have agreed otherwise in writing with you. If you do not renew your subscription it will expire at the end of your current subscription period and you will be deemed to have cancelled your subscription.
2.7 Commissions
We DO NOT earn any commission if you purchase a book that we have recommended.
2.8A Cancellation: by you.
Please note that you have 12 hours to cancel your subscription once you have placed an order to subscribe. You will be entitled to a refund provided that you have not accessed the NeuroSCE Materials during that 12-hour period. If you do access any part of the NeuroSCE Materials within the 12-hour period, you acknowledge that you are not entitled to a refund if you then change your mind and cancel your subscription. If you wish to cancel your subscription within the 12-hour period, please contact Us at support@neurosce.com stating why you wish to cancel your subscription and including in your email your name and the email address you used to subscribe. If you decide to cancel within the 12-hour period, a £10 administration fee will be charged and the difference will be refunded to you. If you decide to cancel your subscription after the 12-hour, period but within 48-hours, a £15 charge will be applied and the difference will be refunded to you. However, if you have accessed the NeusoSCE Materials at any point, you are not entitled to any refund, whether you cancel within the 12- or 48hour period.
No refund will be made if you decide to cancel your subscription after 48 hours or if you have already asked and been supplied with a receipt. In the event that you are not entitled to any compensation, you will still be able to access the NeuroSCE Materials for the length of your subscription if you wish to.
Ending your subscription early because of something we have done or are going to do:
If you are ending your subscription for one of the following reasons, the Agreement will end immediately and we will refund you in full for any part of your subscription that has not been provided. The reasons are:
(a) we have told you about an upcoming significant change to your subscription or these terms and conditions to which you do not agree (see section 3.3);
(b) we have told you about an error in the price or description of the subscription you have ordered and you do not wish to proceed;
(c) there is a risk that supply of the subscription may be significantly delayed because of events outside our control; or
(d) we have suspended the supply of the products for technical or other reasons, or we notify you that we are going to suspend them for such reasons, in each case for a period of more than 3 days (see section 2.7C in relation to your rights where we have suspended our supply of NeuroSCE Materials and also section 4.3 in relation to our suspension for an event that is beyond our reasonable control).
Except as specifically provided for in any other provision of these terms and conditions, your subscription may only be cancelled by you with effect from the expiry of your subscription period. You may provide us with notice in advance of your subscription expiring but the cancellation will not take effect until the end of your subscription period.
2.8B Cancellation: by NeuroSCE.
NeuroSCE reserves the right to cancel your subscription if you do not make payment to Us or if you breach other terms of the Agreement.
Separately, we may cancel your subscription on giving you notice in writing where we cease to provide (or to be able to provide) NeuroSCE Materials to which you have subscribed (including where we cease publishing the relevant NeuroSCE Materials or no longer own such NeuroSCE Materials or have the right to make them available), or in the unlikely event that we cease to provide the services. NeuroSCE also retains the right to cancel your subscription should it, or any of its employees or contractors, receive abusive or derogatory comments or correspondence from you (or on your behalf) by any means. If we cancel for any of these reasons then we will refund you any amounts that you have paid Us that relate to any remaining and unexpired period of your subscription.
2.8C Suspension: by NeuroSCE.
We may suspend the supply of products to you:
(a) to deal with technical problems or make technical changes;
(b) to update the NeuroSCE Materials to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; or
(c) to make changes to the NeuroSCE Materials as notified by Us to you.
Where practical, we will contact you in advance to tell you we will be suspending supply of the NeuroSCE Materials, unless the problem is urgent or an emergency or where we do not have a correct email address for you. If we have to suspend the supply of the NeuroSCE Materials for longer than 1 day we will either, at our discretion, adjust the price so that you do not pay for your subscription during the period when provision of the NeuroSCE Materials is suspended or we will extend the period of your subscription to cover the period when the provision of the NeuroSCE Materials was suspended (at no additional cost). Please also see section 2.7A on your rights to cancel should NeuroSCE have to suspend the services.
2.9 Affiliations
We do NOT work in partnership with the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) of the UK, and therefore cannot guarantee that an exam will take place. Therefore, cancellation of an exam by the RCP does not entitle you to any refund on a subscription plan from NeuroSCE.
2.10 Your subscription
Your subscrition is personal. Your subscription is personal to you and you may not share with, give, licence or transfer to, any other person any of your rights or entitlements under this Agreement (including to access and/or use NeuroSCE Materials under your user account using your password and/or user code). You agree to take responsibility for all access to and use of all NeuroSCE Materials that occurs under your user account and to prevent unauthorised use of it. Without further obligation to you, we may cancel or suspend your access to NeuroSCE Materials if you share your user account details. You would not be entitled to any compensation and if you fail the exam, you would also not be entitled to any refund. If you believe that your user account is being used by anyone else you should inform us immediately via email at support@neurosce.com. We reserve the right at any time to verify and/or validate that you are a personal subscriber to our products and that you are accessing and using NeuroSCE Materials for your own personal use. We track your IP address every time you log in and use other analytics to ensure that your subscription has not been shared. By subscribing to NeuroSCE, you give consent for your IP address to be monitored.
3. Your use of NeuroSCE Materials and the Website
3.1 NeuroSCE hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use the NeuroSCE Materials for your own personal, non-commercial purposes during the period of your subscription. You shall not: a) create derivative works of the NeuroSCE Materials (including any translation); b) remove, obscure, or change NeuroSCE’s or its licensor’s copyright notices, policies, disclaimers, terms or other means of identification; c) copy, download or print any part of the NeuroSCE Materials (other than any certificate awarded by NeuroSCE in relation to your completion of NeuroSCE Materials); d) knowingly permit any third party to access or use the NeuroSCE Materials; e) include, mount or distribute any of the NeuroSCE Materials in other works (other than legally permitted quotations with an appropriate citation); or f) use or distribute the NeuroSCE Materials for commercial use.
3.2 When accessing our questions, we will ask you to input your full name and email address. You should provide the full name and email address used when subscribing. This is for tracking purposes and to prevent password sharing. We reserve the right to cancel the subscription without any further liability to you if you fail to provide this information accurately or if we have evidence of password sharing.
3.3 Any material you upload to any user forum or via any news voting function will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary (unless otherwise stated on the site) and we have the right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose. You agree not to submit material that (in NeuroSCE’s discretion): a) is unlawful, harassing, threatening or offensive; b) advertises or promotes products or services; or c) infringes on anyone’s rights of privacy.
3.4 If we need to make significant changes to the NeuroSCE Materials and/or these terms and conditions other than those set out above (for example, because we have decided to make changes to the format and/or ‘look and feel’ and/or the functionality and type of our delivery platforms) we will notify you. If you do not agree to the changes we are proposing, you may then contact Us to cancel your subscription before the changes take effect and receive a refund for any NeuroSCE Materials paid for but not received.
3.5 While NeuroSCE will (i) use reasonable skill and care in developing NeuroSCE Materials and in providing you with access to NeuroSCE Materials as part of your subscription and (ii) use reasonable efforts to remedy any faults or errors of which we become aware, NeuroSCE Materials are provided and made available to you via your subscription on an "as is" or "as available" basis. We make no promises in respect of the quality, completeness or accuracy of the information published, or that use of NeuroSCE Materials will guarantee success in any exam. The NeuroSCE Materials are intended for use as an exam revision or personal development resource by clinicians or other health professionals; however, it is your responsibility to make your own professional decisions and judgements and to independently verify any information that you may choose to rely upon in NeuroSCE Materials. Any reference to drug dosage should be checked with a formulary before prescribing.
3.6 NeuroSCE relies on contributors and third-party data providers to confirm the accuracy of the information contained in the NeuroSCE Materials and therefore NeuroSCE cannot and does not warrant the accuracy of the NeuroSCE Materials (or any part of them). Readers should be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. Because of this fact and also because of regular advances in medical research NeuroSCE strongly recommends that all readers independently verify any information in the NeuroSCE Materials that they chose to rely upon. Ultimately it is the reader’s responsibility to make their own professional judgements.
3.7 All NeuroSCE Materials belong to NeuroSCE or its licensors who own all intellectual property rights (including copyright) in NeuroSCE Materials. No intellectual property rights in any NeuroSCE Materials are transferred to you.
3.8 On cancellation or expiry of your subscription, your access to NeuroSCE Materials shall cease.
3.9 If you or NeuroSCE terminates or cancels your subscription as provided under sections 2.7A and 2.7B above, all rights to access NeuroSCE Materials shall cease.
3.10 NeuroSCE will provide you with a CPD certificate upon completion of both papers of the mock exam. You have to achieve above 55% in each paper to obtain a certificate. Six hours of CPD will be awarded. You can attempt the paper as many times as you like, as long as your subscription has not expired. Upon completion of both papers, please email us at support@neurosce.com to request a certificate.
3.11 Hot topics
If you purchase a qualifying membership plan (Platinum, Palladium, Diamond or Emerald), you will receive a Hot Topic by email 3 times a week (Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays) to help you with your revision. These are topics/conditions that are likely to come up in the exam. You will, therefore, need to know these inside out. We've summarised the salient features into bullet points.
We will start sending out our Hot Topics 12 weeks before the exam. This is an automated process. You will, therefore, receive 36 in total, assuming that you purchase your membership plan at least 12 weeks before the exam. However, if you purchase a qualifying plan less than 3 months before the exam, you will receive fewer than 36 topics. For example, if you purchase the Platinum membership 2 months before the exam, you will only receive 2 months worth of Hot topics. We will not send you topics that you did not receive if you chose to purchase a qualifying membership plan fewer than 3 months from the next exam.
4. Our liability to you
Please read this section carefully - it makes clear to what extent NeuroSCE accepts responsibility (liability) to you for your use of NeuroSCE Materials.
4.1 NeuroSCE accepts no responsibility if you incur any loss or damage as a result of using NeuroSCE Materials outside the scope of these terms and conditions. Nor does NeuroSCE accept any responsibility in respect of any third-party products or services referred to or linked to in any NeuroSCE Materials or the Website.
4.2 NeuroSCE will be responsible only for loss or damage that is reasonably foreseeable as a result of its breach of these terms and conditions or otherwise as a result of a breach of a legal duty of care owed to you, and NeuroSCE's total financial liability to you is limited to 100% of the price you have paid for your subscription. NeuroSCE will not be liable for business losses including loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of opportunity.
4.3 NeuroSCE is not responsible for, and is not liable to you if you suffer or incur, any loss as a result of matters beyond its reasonable control such as, by way of example (and not limited to), the provision or performance of public or private communications networks, internet services and/or connections, acts of God, industrial action, terrorist attack or threat.
4.4 NeuroSCE's liability will not be limited or excluded in the case of death or personal injury directly caused by NeuroSCE's negligence; nor is NeuroSCE’s liability otherwise excluded or limited for loss or damage that cannot as a matter of law be excluded or limited.
4.5 NeuroSCE only provides revision materials to help you pass the exam. By using these materials, NeuroSCE does not, in any way, guarantee your success in the UK neurology speciality certificate examination. NeuroSCE is not liable for any losses incurred by you as a result of failing the exam, other than, in specific cases, the refund as set out in section 2.8D.
5. General
5.1 Transferring NeuroSCE’s rights and obligations. NeuroSCE may transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to another organisation upon notice to you.
5.2 Severability. Each of the provisions set out in this Agreement operates separately. If any court of competent jurisdiction determines that any of them are invalid, the invalidity will not affect the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect (and construed accordingly to the extent necessary).
5.3 No waiver. If either party fails to exercise any right or remedy under this Agreement then such failure does not amount to a waiver of that right or remedy.
5.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between you and NeuroSCE relating to your use of NeuroSCE Materials.
5.5 Alternative Dispute Resolution. Alternative dispute resolution is a process where an independent body considers the facts of a dispute and seeks to resolve it, without having to go to court. If you are not happy with how we have handled a complaint, disputes may be submitted for online resolution to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution Procedure.
5.6 Law & Jurisdiction. This Agreement will be subject to English law and both you and NeuroSCE agree that the courts of England will have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, or under, or in connection with this Agreement.
5.7 Questions & complaints. If you have any questions about your subscription or you wish to make a complaint, please email to support@neurosce.com.